Monday, May 22, 2006

Our first brunch - May 21, 2006

Welcome to our first Brunch Revolution! We had a great turnout, right around 20 people, which is awesome for our very first brunch! Thanks to everyone who showed up and joined our little revolution.

Our first arrivals were Allen and Jamie, and they were great sports about helping us finish the setting up. This goes hand in hand with being part of a revolution - we all own this brunch. Conveniently this means we gladly accept any help. Of course they also got to dig into the food first as well!

It was perfect weather for our brunch on Joy and Ron's terrace. Sunny, slight breeze, and warmish, but not too warm.

Most of the revolutionaries seemed to have heard about the brunch through RMAD's mailing list, though we had a few coworkers and friends of coworkers show up as well. So not everyone was from the vegan/vegetarian community, which is great. We want this to reach everyone.

We didn't do a lot of advertisment for this first brunch. My ideas to reach more people are to post fliers in local coffee shops, community eateries, Three Little Figs, and other places that occur to us. If anyone has suggestions, please let us know!

Notice the flowers on the table? Guerilla gardening! Ron and Joy snuck around the neighborhood the night before the brunch, gathering up some of these gorgeous flowers to use as our centerpieces on the tables. Guerilla gardening is apparently a growing movement in London, and perhaps other places, where people will sneak out and plant flowers in the medians and other public but unflowered places. Take charge of the world around us and make it more beautiful for everyone! Clearly that is the message. Oddly, this is something that Ron and Joy have done in the past, spreading a message of Love in Wash Park.

This blog entry wouldn't be complete without a bit of explanation about Joy's kitchen, the former bathroom. The counter our lovely Food Goddess is working on is where the bathtub not only was, but actually still is. The countertop simply went over it. You can't actually see the toilet or the shower stall, but I promise they are there as well! Joy does not have an oven, proving with her delicious food that the impossibly tasty is possible even in impossible kitchen situations! The excellent music was provided, or at least chosen, by Ron. Not to mention a great deal of muscle provided in schlepping the tables, chairs, dishes, silverware, and glasses up from the Mansion's industrial kitchen downstairs.

Ron is a law student at DU, which is how he and Joy got this apartment in such a sweet location. He works hard as a chancellor scholar law student (currently in his 2nd year), and they get to live surrounded by history and beauty for a couple years.

The Tienzo terrace, with its views of the lawns, was a lovely spot for the brunch, but we are currently planning on having it downstairs off of the "yoga room" next time. The set up and break down was quite labor-intensive, and we need to avoid burnout as much as possible!

We put a collection basket out for the SHAC7, but we weren't quite organized enough to properly communicate the issue and donation collection. We will choose our supplemental issue/cause and explain in advance next time so everyone will know ahead of time.

Claire, the current only (fur)child of Ron and Joy, made an appearance in Ron's arms just as Class B dealers were being discussed - how appropriate for driving home that particular issue!

The brunch was an apparent success. Everyone seemed pleased with the food, the conversation, the location, and the tour of the mansion! A big shout out to Ann and Peter for their enthusiastic help in cleaning up after the brunch. Greatly appreciated, as I'm sure they know!

We are looking for volunteers to take 30 minute "host/hostess" shifts during the brunches. If you are interested, email us at and let's talk!

We hope to see you at our next Brunch Revolution - June 4, 2006. Same time, same place. The menu will be posted soon!


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